Still More Reflections on the Journey to the Omega Point

This is my third collection of Reflections and, like the first two, covers a wide range of topics. Many of the essays are written from a Roman Catholic perspective. Some wander into the field of speculative theology; for instance, I ask in one essay whether or not God bends the rules for some people and provide an interesting example of something that happened to a friend that leads me to believe He might. In what may be the most provocative essay, I challenge the Church's teaching on frequent reception of the Eucharist and give some solid reasons why I think it should not be a daily or weekly event. In another I explore whether or not Pope Francis is still a valid pope and come to the conclusion that he is the valid and legal pope but...............

I want to make it clear that I am not proposing new doctrine nor challenging existing doctrine -- rather, just speculating.

I don't limit the book to religious topics. I discuss rules for making good conversation -- something in which most people demonstrate remarkably little skill today. Another essay covers what it takes to be a good manager or supervisor and how to run a well oiled business unit. My favorite essay is titled “The Folly of Romantic Love” and I go into deep detail as to why romantic love is synonymous with stupidity. I draw from one of my own experiences to bolster my case.

I think the reader will find this book both informative and entertaining.

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