Meditations of an Exile

Meditations of an Exile is a collection of my thoughts on a wide variety of topics dealing with our spiritual and our earthly lives. For a little comic relief I’ve included a satire (“Father Sixtysomething”) on the foolishness that has inflicted the Church since the close of the Second Vatican Council. Meditations is a random series of essays that have been swirling around in my mind for many years and have matured to the point where they can finally be put in print.

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I want the reader to pay especially close attention to the sections on prayer, which is so vital to eternal salvation. It is my personal approach to prayer. I don’t say that it is perfect but it works well for me and, like all spiritual practice, it is always a work-in-progress. If I have convinced the reader to focus more deeply on personal prayer then this book will be a “best seller” not necessarily in numbers but in achievement.

The Scriptural quotes are all from the New Advent and Douay-Rheims versions of the Bible. I use both names for the last book of the Bible -- Revelations and Apocalypse -- depending upon which of the two versions I am obtaining my reference. In many instances I copy and paste directly from the on line text so I do not claim responsibility for any typos (or apparent typos) in those texts.