A Philosophy of Prayer

A Philosophy of Prayer is a collection from my other books that comprise my personal philosophy of prayer. Everyone’s prayer life should always be a work-in-progress so these are not my final thoughts on the subject. Prayer needs to be the center of every Christian life and it should be more than a quick Our Father and Hail Mary in the morning and just before going to bed. Prayer has to be our connection with God. It needs to be both formal and conversational. Prayer is how we establish that personal relationship with the individual members of the Trinity, Mary, and the saints. By requesting the intercession of Mary and the saints, we are asking them to pray with us. That Scriptural passage “For where there are two or three gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them” (Matt:18:20) is not restricted only to to two or three gathered together here on earth -- why can’t they be in Heaven (or Purgatory for that matter)?

It would be very difficult to be saved without prayer so I hope this small volume will help the reader develop that special relationship with the Heavenly Powers.

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