Reader Reviews

***Book "Beyond the Continuum"  Hey Tom! Finally got around to reading your story. I loved it! It reminds me of a twilight zone episode. Actually it really could be a twilight zone episode. Or a black mirror episode...

***Book "Beyond the Continuum"    I LOVED it. You have a very creative imagination, which helps to make all your stories unique--unlike any others I've read. You have a distinct voice as a writer that is very appealing to any reader looking for fresh, engaging entertainment. Great job!

***Book "Reality in Paradox"  Tom, this second Sherlock Holmes story was so much fun to read, Tom. It was very well thought out and constructed. I am always impressed with how you figure out the time travel coordinates. I sort of try to follow the times and dates and places in my head, but in the end I just have to trust that you've gotten everything right. Which I know you have and have figured everything out accurately. So that means I can just read along with pleasure and leave the complicated stuff to you, the author. As always, your dialogue is terrific, especially when you are doing the British thing with Holmes, but also with the Cockney couple at the "pub." The story kept me engaged from start to finish.

***Book "Reality in Paradox"  I just finished your delightful Sherlock Holmes story, The Adventure of the Interdimensional Theft and I loved it. I really did. It was so much fun! I loved the time travel element, the dialogue (especially the dialogue), and no, I didn't figure out who dunnit, though I did try to eliminate suspects as I went along.  It was  a surprise that the main character, Gavin Winter,  would end up working on a time machine with Violet. All in all it was a very well thought out plot with lots of unexpected twists and turns. I really liked it, Tom! Great job!

Your stories are all very fun and entertaining. Light reading, but also challenging reading (as your stories are), is what the world needs right now. At least I do. There's so much heaviness out there in the world, it was nice to escape it for a little while through this fun story--and all your others in the anthologies.

***Book "Tarquinius": I finished Tarquinius, by the way, and was a bit sorry to say goodbye to him, and his family. I say again, you have a gift for putting a reader RIGHT IN a scene.  Conversations (back and forth) are so real. Also, I marvel at your knowing of the Sanhedrin schemers who sentenced Jesus to death. Today 

***Book "Akaba"   Hi Tom, I came across an excerpt from one of your books -Akaba, and I encountered some info that I have not seen anywhere else save for 1 peculiar source. It is obvious that you are an avid reader, an in depth researcher and a deep man of Faith . This combination is difficult to match and your books will be extraordinary….unfortunately they will not be appreciated by a post Christian civilization or a dedifferentiated culture.  I would try to get ecopies of your books. Welldone.

***Book "Tarquinius"  I finished reading Tarquinius yesterday. You are right. I think it's your best novel yet. I love how you weave historical facts into your fiction to make that fiction sound so darned REAL. Really well done, my friend. The preface worked to make the story that follows believable to the reader, i.e., that you truly did have a friend who'd translated an ancient manuscript uncovered at the Vatican library, and who had asked you to put it in novel form. Wow. Brilliant. Your knowledge of history, especially history as regards biblical times and the life of Christ, made this novel come alive. I felt as if I were right there with Tarquinius and his family everywhere they went and in everything they experienced. Though much of the story was told and not shown (understandable since the text was supposedly a translated memoir) I didn't lose interest in the story even for one moment. I clearly saw the characters in my mind and heard them speak in a believable manner; you did an excellent job with settings, descriptions, and dialogue throughout.

     Your heart was in this novel, Tom, and I know that the Holy Spirit guided you along the way. It's obvious. The scenes you pulled from the Bible regarding Jesus's trial, death, and resurrection were right on, and you depicted them in a moving and powerful way. You portrayed the historical events concerning the Roman Empire and its rulers perfectly as well. As I said above, your knowledge of history is quite impressive.  I know God is very pleased with everything you've done.

     I thought you did a terrific job of ending the story.  I LOVED the ending, actually. I loved that Longinus wrote the Postscript because obviously Tarquinius couldn't have told about his own and his daughters' deaths once they'd gone to be with Jesus. Brilliant on your part to craft the ending that way. And I loved the story itself--that Portia saw Persephone and Junilla right before the arrows flew, and also that Drusilla saw the little boy that had led them to see Jesus at the Sea of Galilee. The last line was extremely powerful as well: "They never saw the arrows coming." Wow. Again, you crafted a very satisfying ending. 

I think what I also failed to say last night is that the novel clearly reveals Jesus's heart and His Gospel message. Just as Tarquinius received the commission from Jesus to spread the Gospel throughout the world, I believe this story will serve to touch hearts for Jesus and do that very same thing. I It was obvious that you wrote this novel with your heart and were led by the Holy Spirit while crafting it. Everyone who reads it will see Jesus's love (and YOUR loving heart) shining through its pages

***Book "Thesis On The Rosary" I am an adult Roman Catholic and have said many Rosaries during my 81 years of age.  However, when I read Tom Reidy's "Thesis On The Rosary", I had to admit to myself, "My mind was barren of the true meaning and Spiritual Graces received by not meditating on the Rosaries beauty."  The fifteen decades said, without my contemplating, via visualizing, during each bead, such as the 3rd Joyful Mystery, The Birth Of Our Lord.  For example: 1st bead, the journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem; 2nd bead, God finding them shelter when all inns were full and onto the adoration of the shepherds "It's likely they gave Him food and needed resources". His first disciples? Doesn't God give me all I need? 4th bead, Adoration of the Magi. Gifts "That would provide money and trade resources for their journey to Egypt", and so on during the 3rd decade of the Joyful Mysteries.  Faith, Trust and God's protection and providential care. Just a sample of the beauty of meditating while praying to the "Queen of the Most Holy Rosary". And the Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries in Tom Reidy's wake up call book are just as thought provoking. When the author let's his reader's be informed of Our Blessed Mother's fifteen promises to those who faithfully pray the Rosary, one cannot help but read all that is in store for them. The Church history; the power of the Rosary in battles, long ago and recent; Answered prayers considered miracles by the physicians; and for those person's, like myself who have forgotten the powerful prayer. The Magnificat, will find that also, along with the 54 Day Rosary Novena in Tom Reidy's inspirational book.  I, myself, after reading "Thesis on the Rosary" by Tom Reidy, I pray I will take heed of all he has written in this excellent book on the Rosary.

 Peggy L. Orth. Spokane, Wa. 

***Book "Reflections on the Journey to the Omega Point" brings peace, hope & comfort to all who are reaching the end of time; it's a guidance for those who are still far way, and an essential reading companion for those in between…   Grace D.

     ***Book Title "Certifiably Insane"      " Tom, dear, what a great gift you gave me in the book, "Certifiably Insane!"  I finished it last night, reading it since Monday, not wanting to stop turning over the pages. The title is perfect! I took down a few notes in chapters that that helped, big time, to make everything clearer.  I never realized the damage done by Political Correctness and Multiculturism.  A real eye opener.  And the speech codes and their professors in  universities blew me away. Your Education chapters were "right on" and proven correct by the ETS Report in Ch. 9.  What you wrote about Racial Divide I was aware of, but the way you presented the Baby boomers & Millennials was really fascinating and so thorough as were all subjects you covered.   

      I had never heard of the 5 Epochs.  You so clearly explained them. I'll conclude my heartfelt "review" of your book with two simple words: THANK YOU! - in caps 'cause they are so very sincere. God Bless you. Peggy"...

***Book Title "Critical Mass: A Chronicle of the Catholic Church in the First Generation After Vatican II"

From Craig Detmer: History not taught in public schools...

"I grew up Catholic but never got an explanation from priests or nuns as to why masses, which used to be in Latin, had changed. I just remember thinking after the changes that the church used to have a more sacred aura and I missed this. This is a great book to learn history not normally taught in most schools about Catholicism and why the church has allied itself with, or at least tolerated, liberal causes. It was very interesting to learn about Catholic prophecy toward the end of the book. Craig Detmer"

          ***Book Title "The Seven Pillars of Catholicism"

        Better understanding...

"Even though I grew up Catholic, I was not exposed to the amount of knowledge imparted in this book. I didn't get explanations for all the prayer rituals mentioned, for example. The author is correct about forgiveness being the most difficult virtue"

***Book Title "Meditations of an Exile

 "Catholic information from a reliable source...Tom actually attended a Catholic seminary, so he is knowledgeable about the faith. This book discusses a daily prayer structure for submitting to God's will and placing trust in Him..."

***Book Title "New Paradigms"

"GETS THE MENTAL JUICES FLOWING...Tom's writing style is easy to read, and whether you agree with him or not, the book will inspire you to think about the most important issues affecting this country..."

***Book Title "Between Two Worlds"

"A real page turner! I've always enjoyed stories about time travel or parallel universes. I'm also a Twilight Zone fan. If you're like me, you'll really enjoy this book!..."

*** "Starting first with "Blue Moon" it came clear to me what an Anthology of "Twilight Zone" genre meant.  Tom Reidy writes them very well. I'm sure anyone who lives in the Tacoma/Seattle area can relate to the truth of its weather as it is written in some of these stories.

The author's creative story on Sasquatch, known to us in the state of Washington as "Big Foot", has me believing he could actually be clos-er to the truth than he even realizes.  The science involved to unfold this "Big Foot" story was an enlightened education.

Mr. Reidy's story about a city UNDER Tacoma was again expressing his Philosophy of life just as the stories that preceded it.  In the story. Mr. Reidy also delved into the dreadful disorder called S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder or Winter weather depression).

The last chapter, an explicit story of "The Act of Supremacy", shows his Theological, Philosophical and History intellect.

For anyone wanting to read other stories about going back in time, or forward in time or even frozen in time through an exciting, witty, entertaining way, "Between Two Worlds" is for you."

***Book Title "Parallels' in Time and Space- Two Stories: The Commuter and The Love U-Boat":  "I really enjoyed both stories.  Time travel and parallel universes are always my favorite sci-fi premises, so these were right up my alley. You are just terrific at creating stories that have a 1940-'50s flair, and these are no exception. I laughed out loud in many places in both stories. They were entertaining and also informative. The Love U-Boat especially gave historical information about what could have happened to Hitler and Eva Braun by entwining what we actually know about their "demise." Your stories are never dull and boring, that's for sure! I know you must have a lot of fun writing them.

You did a great job with The Commuter as regards making the parallel universes--and what happened in each--believable. This is actually hard to do, but you made it look easy. Again, I have to tell you that I laughed out loud in places. Mrs. Stanhope's monologues were terrific, especially. Very nicely done.